Corporate restructuring and insolvency

Amicable settlements

In terms of prevention, LexCase advises and assists its clients in analyzing the difficulties they face and choosing the most appropriate tools (an ad hoc mandate or mediation) to avoid or prepare for insolvency proceedings. Thanks to this daily practice of amicable settlements, today, we can offer innovative, secure and rapid solutions to refinance, turn around or sell a company, within a framework that is 100% confidential.

Court proceedings

LexCase also provides services in the judicial phase of a restructuring, whether it involves safeguard proceedings, or a court-ordered restructuring or liquidation, and assists the business in its relations with all of the parties to the proceedings, its negotiations with creditors and the preparation of a safeguard or restructuring plan.

LexCase is also recognized for its litigation practice, in particular in cases that involve the liability of executives.

Assistance to clients who are creditors/suppliers of companies facing restructuring or insolvency

LexCase assists the creditors of businesses in difficulty with their formalities: declaration of claims, appointment of a controller, the filing of claims, and any action to protect or preserve the interests of creditors.

LexCase also provides services to the suppliers of a business in difficulty relative to their management of relations with this business to protect their interests in the framework of contracts that remain in force or with the termination of their contractual relations.

Assistance to court-appointed administrators and agents

LexCase assists court-appointed administrators and agents with all of their legal issues.

The firm also provides services regarding the management of restructuring and liquidation proceedings, as well as any type of litigation: conflict management, liability of the parties, and monetary and personal penalties imposed on executives.

Taking over a business facing difficulties

LexCase advises its clients who wish to acquire all or part of a business that is currently facing difficulties or is the subject of insolvency proceedings.

The teams provide support before the insolvency proceedings by offering advice in the framework of the renegotiation and restructuring plan for bank or bond loans granted to businesses, in particular in the framework of mediation or an ad hoc mandate.

They also assist capital investors and industry leaders who wish to assist companies facing difficulties or, after insolvency proceedings have been initiated, wish to participate in a takeover of the business, by managing the negotiations with the different parties, defining the scope of the takeover plan, evaluating risks, providing assistance for court proceedings and finalizing the purchase of the business.


LexCase also regularly organizes training on these topics on its LexFormation platform.

Corporate restructuring and insolvency Sector Manager(s)