Distinction of the LifeSciences Department in TIER 2 of the Legal 500 EMEA 2023

Distinction of the LifeSciences Department in TIER 2 of the Legal 500 EMEA 2023
14/04/2023 , 03h17 Life Science

The LifeSciences team distinguished, once again, among the best in TIER 2 in The Legal 500 EMEA (Legalease) in the Industry Focus: Healthcare and LifeSciences category.


Designated as a “boutique firm which has a comprehensive life sciences practice, with a strong focus on complex product liability matters and regulatory affairs” LexCase, French firm of excellence, is very proud of its internationally recognized team:


– Diane Bandon-Tourret

– Alain de Belenet

– Raphael Apelbaum

– Maxime Bush

– Victoire Storksen, Clémentine Calvet, Elise Ragobert, Tamara Milano


And warmly thank you to its clients for their testimonials.


“‘Availability, listening, responsiveness, technical skills, sense of customer service.”


“‘Strengths: skills, strong expertise in health, regulatory, defective product liability, responsiveness, availability, pragmatism.”